6.75oz Cabernet Tulip Wine Glass

  • SKU: 01.002.0257
  • Pack Size: 1x24


Chef & Sommelier symbolises an art of living that embodies the richness of French Gastronomy and Oenology. The brand designs versatile collections of glassware, with pure and elegant lines. The unique signature can be seen to feature at the most exclusive restaurant and bars. Cabernet is a very large collection of stem glasses designed for tasting top wines. The Cabernet Tulip features Arcoroc's innovative Kwarx advanced material, ensuring this is a must have in your glassware cabinet. The glass is shock resistant, resulting in less breakages and replacements, and gives a glass that you can use everyday. You can truly appreciate the colours of your wine as the Cabernet Tulip has a completely transparent and colourless finish, and keeps its extreme shine wash after wash.

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